Electric buses with new N CNW series

›› Cleverly designed down to the smallest detail – REO components in electric buses

Many transport companies are currently looking to convert their entire bus fleets from diesel to electric, with the aim of making all buses pure electric in the medium term. In addition to the clear benefits of electric buses, such as no emissions, passengers also appreciate the more comfortable ride and the significant reduction in noise.
But many are unaware of the enormous technical complexity hidden behind the facade.
For example, mobile phone reception would be disrupted if it weren’t for the use of special components in the bus. The electric drives themselves and the long connecting cables required in the bus would generate too much interference. REO’s solution offers electric bus manufacturers EMC filters or chokes in the new N CNW series to eliminate interference in their vehicles.
As a result, the buses generate no interference and passengers can enjoy the convenience of modern communication they have come to expect.

Find out more about the new N CNW series from REO and benefit from our long-standing experience in drive electrification.


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    D-42657 Solingen

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    E-Mail: info@reo.de

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